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What We Do


We meet on Sunday afternoons to worship God and thank him for his goodness to us. Our meeting lasts about an hour, and includes songs and prayers. We believe that God has a message for us today so we also listen to a talk based on what we have read together in the Bible, explaining its message. Following the service we spend time together with refreshments.


We welcome others to come and join us for the service, for refreshments, or both!



the Meeting Space at Neal Street Espresso (entrance in Nottingham Court)


10.30am worship service



We have two small midweek  groups in local homes. Every week they alternate between prayer and Bible study.


Each week, one group will get together to study the Bible. This gives us time to talk together and think through how the Bible applies to our everyday lives.

The other group will meet to pray together, asking God for his help with needs far and near. The following week, the roles are reversed.



contact us for details


Tuesdays at 10.30am



We aim to be true followers of Jesus Christ by loving God, loving one another and loving our neighbours. So as well as sharing the good news of Jesus, over the years we have also been actively involved in serving our local communities in a number of other practical ways. These have included children's clubs, Mums and Toddlers, playing a part in in residents groups and running a Fair Trade shop. 


During the pandemic we provided a weekly community meal for a small support group. Recently we have started a Coffee and Chat afternoon for local people.



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